Converting Outboard Pull Start To Electric Start Can You Convert A 25hp Pull Start Mariner Outboard To A Electric Start?

Can you convert a 25hp pull start mariner outboard to a electric start? - converting outboard pull start to electric start

In theory it is possible, however, conversion kits, are (1) hard to find and (2) a little expensive. You can a used motor for less than the kit. Then there is the current edition of the load circuit. It is very low, with a normal speed for this motor. So if you are looking for accessories for power, not yet have enough power. It is better to put money into a deep cycle battery. You can, by helping to LED lights running, etc., reduce energy consumption. Good Luck1


ricsuduk... said...

Yes, but not very profitable. You will need a starter solenoid and wiring and high current battery, alternator, high performance (in jest, to weave, 5 amps at 5,000 rpm), the regulator / rectifier, switching equipment and the job search. New this would be a lot of money - if it is still available. As mentioned above, an outline of the starter motor of the same model is a less expensive option. The work is pretty easy, but it is a professional skill. A workshop manual is a necessity.

It is possible to negotiate cheaper and easier to start a model of the standard electric motor.

Ӝ said...

Yes, there are conversion kits directly from Mercury Marine. Order from your local market, you need as your serial number are 4 different kits. Cost about $ 650.

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