How Deep Should Prawn Traps Be Down Mayonnaise Deep-fried Crispy Prawns?

Mayonnaise Deep-fried Crispy Prawns? - how deep should prawn traps be down

Yammy have this recipe? I know that I mix the shrimp with some kind of flour, deep fried, then. (Wat is flour), then with special mayonnaise sauce.

Mayonnaise mixed with something .. I do not know what things ..

Someone knows the entire recipe?

Thanks in advance


Madish said...

Try this ...

10 peeled shrimp, 1 hour to marinate with sesame oil (1 tsp) cooking wine (1 tbsp) soy sauce and 1 tsp.

Cover with corn flour (1 cup) rice flour (1 / 2 cup). Pat and deep fry the excess.

May Mixed: sold Japan May (in supermarkets plastic tube), and wasabi paste.

After cooking the shrimp. Drain the oil and allow to cool for 2 minutes. Mix May smeared with mango cubes.

Common_S... said... or try

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