Would you buy a second hand Medela electric breast pump? - medela electric breast pump
I am thinking of buying a used Medela electric breast pump - mainly because they are relatively new faces. You want to buy or have bought a second hand? Are they easy to disassemble for cleaning and sterilization before being used for the first time at ETC?
Medela Electric Breast Pump Would You Buy A Second Hand Medela Electric Breast Pump?
4:36 AM
or wouldnt
Do not understand why it should not. All removable parts can be sterilized and if the engine is working well, why not? They are very expensive, so second hand is a good idea, especially since you do not know how often you use it, but I am sure that all instructions when you buy it.
I wish I did. I had one from a stranger. I bought a new chest plates, bottles and tubes and bottles and shields are the only things that come into contact with milk. The Medela is extremely easy to clean and get the parts separately for everything that comes from others. I do not know because the company wants more money, of course. supposedly, the milk can give the engine and spitting the tube and mix with milk - but not even close to the tube at all. the tube is only for aspiration. You can find the manuals online as well, if yours does not come with him. $ 300, I spent elsewhere!
Yes! You can use all parts are plastic or shop online. The ideal topic will be sterile, especially if you do not know who he was before. However, it goes through the milk through the power of the pump ... Also the tube. Only valves and vessels. Really, do not worry. I do not know where to get the problem officially neutered, but you can do. I would call the hotline of the LLL, if I were you, Google the number. Or call the maternity ward of a hospital, the pumps use, but hospitals sterilized rent for the first, and ask how or when. Good choice! Save your money for something that the child really needs ... You are not paranoid.
go ahead and buy. WIC can use girls during lactation, and again when you're done. If you do not buy new pipes, shields, etc., make sure sterilze well. the engine is disassembled in a few easy steps. should not be too difficult.
if only the engine. You can buy all new pipes and
Umm yes id only everything taken apart and bleach. Identify and get a new part animal. just because I am advocating the implementation of the pacifier, in which someone else .....
The concern of buying a used pump is something that breastfeeding mothers encounter. In spite of a pump can be used, cheaper than a new one, there are real consequences involved on health.
The practice of reusing the pump to a single user can be dangerous because some disease organisms are known to be present in the breast milk of infected women. In addition, if a woman's breast pump during an episode of cracked bleeding nipples can be used, infected blood also occurred. The methods of sterilization of the interior are not always reliable to ensure the safe destruction of all pathogens, especially in the rubber parts such as washers and diaphragms. Some pumps have internal diaphragms that can be removed and cleaned or replaced. Even if you do), a new collection kit (part of the button on the chest and bring the milk, it may be possible for the air-born pathogens or droplets of milk that are not visible to the naked eye, in one of the pump and cause contamination to the next user. Most of the bombs from a single user are "open system" pumps and have no protection blowered in order to avoid cross-contamination of multiple users.
Many diseases that can be found in the milk of infected women who are very serious, even cause death. Pathogens such as immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis, cytomegalovirus (CMV) and others can be found in the breast milk of infected women. Remain (Lawrence 94) These diseases frequently go undetected for long periods, so that even if the former user of the pump is trustworthy and willing to share their personal health with you, may not be aware of his or her partner are carriers. Although it has no documented cases of mothers and babies were infected with a hand pump, the pumps do not have a user changes the value of even a very low risk or theoretical.
Other very difficult to eliminate fungal infections such as Candida, commonly known as yeast or candidiasis, is known to be transmitted. Yeasts are able to live very stubborn pathogens that on surfaces for a longer period. Some breastfeeding counselors recommend to go so far as the equation, replacing the old pumpipment when working with a mother who has a yeast infection, mainly due to the continuing difficulties in the complete destruction of fungi, even with careful cleaning.
Besides the health risks of loans, not ethical pump. I worked with several mothers who have bought or borrowed a used pump from a friend or relative only to have that pump break or stop working when they were using. These mothers felt obliged to buy a new pump, if it is on loan to a pump that had the new pump, the mother returned, and spent much more money was needed. The approximate cost of the bottle feed the baby one years is $ 2300.00, a new breast pump is compared to the very reasonable prices.
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