Firemen Equipment Can You Name A Job With 10 Health Risks?

Can you name a job with 10 health risks? - firemen equipment

For example ...... Firefighter is working and the back is the health risk of heavy equipment ...


Annie said...

Back injuries from lifting patients.
The risk of needle stick exposure to HIV, Hb B, Hb-C, etc.
Exposure to patients with infectious TB, other, MRSA, VRE, etc.
Stress-related headaches / migraines
Chronic Fatigue d / t work different shifts / hour.
Depression / anxiety / burnout d / t stress / poor working conditions / etc
Urinary tract infections and constipation d / t lack of time for toilet (no kidding!) And I do not drink enough fluid

There are certainly more. lol. Getting to depressive thoughts about the health risks of my work ... : (

annie said...

Pattern heartburn, swollen feet, cramps, blood pressure, insomnia., Backache, headache,
Vomiting, and scars.
We deserve medals!

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